Check back here often for latest news, prayer requests and staff needs.  We will post the latest items first- and achieve items for up 18  mos. Just click on the the bold  colored green words to open

  • JULY 2024


    READ HERE about everything from our summer interns, to youth serving teams and ways you too can become an active part of La Montaña!

  • JUNE, 2024

    Read HERE about how the influence of the gospel through  La Montaña is reaching beyond Costa Rica!

  • MAY, 2024

    GO HERE FOR THE LATEST NEWS ABOUT  LA MONTANA - Our growing staff, coming camps and more!

  • APRIL, 2024

    NEWS from La Montaña - click HERE   From Family Serve Teams, HS Serve Team and more - find out how you make a difference. 

  • MARCH, 2024

    Read about the LATEST NEWS from La Montaña HERE!  There is a lot happening, and we want everyone to be a part of this ministry, to God's Glory!

  • FEBRUARY 2024

    Read HERE to learn more about the ministries of La Montaña and ways in which God is moving tightly through this camping ministry.

  • JANUARY, 2024

    Read HERE to see all that God is doing at La Montaña.  Become a part of our team in reaching many young people for Christ.  Find out how in this letter ... 

  • NOVEMBER, 2023

    Read HERE to find out more about how God is blessing La Montaña Christian Camps with your prayer & support.  

  • OCTOBER, 2023

    Read HERE, to learn all that is a lot going on at camp this fall.  

  • SEPTEMBER 2023

    Read HERE for all the latest news from La Montaña and how you can play a vital role(s) in helping this ministry move forward. 

  • AUGUST 2023

    READ HERE for news from La Montaña and your part.

  • JULY 2023

    Read HERE for  what God is doing at La Montaña through staff & our US Summer Interns!

  • Our Founder, Joe Pent Sr Graduates To Heaven!

    Read HERE about the home going of the  founder of La Montaña Christian Camps, JOE PENT SR!!!  Though we miss him dearly, we rejoice at a life well lived - he was mightily used of God  to reach tens of thousands of Latin American lives for Christ. 

  • May, 2023

    Read HERE about all the encouraging ministry happening right now at La Montaña Christian Camps and how you can be a part of this ministry that is reach thousands each year with the good news about Jesus!

  • April 2023

    Read HERE to find out the latest news regarding La Montaña, US Family Serve Teams and how you be involved!

  • FEBRUARY 2023

    More camps mean more decisions for Christ!  Read more HERE!

  • JANUARY 2023

    A new year, brings with it great opportunities to champion the good news among young people  Read about it HERE

  • DECEMBER, 2022

    What a year we had ...  but the days, month's and the new year hold even more opportunities for La Montaña!  Find out how you can be a part of all the ministry ahead by reading HERE!

  • NOVEMBER 2022

    Click HERE for the very latest update from La Montaña!

  • OCTOBER 2022

    Click HERE for an update on ministry at camp this fall.

  • September 2022 - a pictorial review

    From our summer opening, interns, camps to our Container Project!  Click HERE to see more and find out ways you can be part of all the team at La Montaña.

  • August 2022

    Read HERE for the latest news from La Montaña and a ministry update from our Executive Director, Joe Pent Jr.

  • July 2022 - CAMPS, CAMPS, CAMPS! 

    READ HERE to learn more about how camps, summer interns, youth ministry serve teams are back at La Montaña