We believe the gospel of Jesus not only brings personal renewal to these youth, but extends to the renewal of all of creation: our families, communities, schools, places of work, our culture, etc. Camping, as a ministry of the gospel, is an effective way to get kids:
*out from the distractions of their daily life, routine, and worries
*to experience the joys of nature,
*to take stock of their situation and see things from a new perspective
Many of these kids could never afford the opportunity to come to camp. La Montaña Christian Camps ministry uses it’s scholarship fund and takes advantage of its’ cloud forest location to encourage youth to focus on the most important relationship of their life- the one with their Creator.
We believe in delivering camping excellence to the youth we serve as it gives glory to a God of excellence. This includes excellence in its recreation programs and trained staff personnel, it’s amenities and food service, and in selecting speakers who are winsome & relevant in their presentation of the gospel.
So ask again, why La Montaña Christian Camps and camping? Because it’s among the best ministry options for winning young people to Christ.
~ Camping Response adapted from Hume Lake Christian CampMinistries